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Compensation Programs Direct compensation payments are made from the Article 2 Fund and the Hardship Fund. The Claims Conference negotiates on an ongoing basis with the German government to include additional Nazi victims in compensation programs, increase payments, and provide increased funds for social services. Vital Care for Holocaust Victims Association D’Aide Aux Israelites Ages […]

Survivor Story: Sarra Miskatel

Sarra Miskatel passed away in August 2022, z”l. May her memory be for a blessing. Sarra Miskatel, recovering from a broken arm and leg, anxiously awaits her pension payments from the Claims Conference, which helps her to pay for a now-necessary home care aide in the midst of Greece’s economic catastrophe. Sarra, a lively Athenian […]

Frequently Asked Questions

General compensation FAQs PLEASE NOTE: The information presented herein is intended for information purposes only and solely as a general guide. The information is not intended as legal advice. It is a summary of specific issues and does not represent a definitive or complete statement of the programs and policies of the agencies or governments […]

Austrian Social Welfare Benefits

Social Welfare Benefits for Austrian Jewish Survivors The Claims Conference has urged every Austrian government since the 1950s to increase its social welfare benefits for elderly Austrian Nazi victims who were expelled from the country or fled following the Anschluss. Austrian Pensions Improvements negotiated in social insurance legislation include the right to buy back work months […]

Survivor Story: Rene Hammond

Growing up in Czechoslovakia, Rene Hammond, née Koenigsberg, learned in school to speak fluent Hungarian, Czech, and English – skills she says equipped her for survival after the Nazis invaded. On May 16, 1944, 18-year-old Rene and her family were sent to a ghetto, where a non-Jewish friend would sneak food to her. After three […]

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