If a local agency is not located in your area, please contact us for a referral.
Country | State | City | Agency | Phone Number |
Argentina | Buenos Aires | Buenos Aires | Tzedaka Foundation | 5411 0810 777 1818 |
Australia | Victoria | Melbourne | JewishCare Victoria | +61 3-8517-5999 |
Australia | Sydney | COA Sydney Incorporated | +61 2-9389-0035 | |
Australia | Sydney | JewishCare NSW | +61 2-9302-8000 | |
Austria | Vienna | ESRA | +43 1-214-9014 | |
Azerbaijan | Baku | Representative Office of AJJDC in Azerbaijan | +99 412 499 7733 | |
Belarus | Minsk | Representative Office of AJJDC in Belarus | +37 517 242 0525 | |
Belgium | Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest | Brussels | Service Social Juif | 3225 388 180 |
Belgium | Antwerp | Forum of Jewish Organizations | +32 32 315 848 | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Federacija Bosne i Hercegovine | Sarajevo | La Benevolencija | 38 73-322-9666 |
Brazil | São Paulo | Instituicao Beneficente Israelita Ten Yad | 55-11-3334-2977 | |
Brazil | São Paulo | Uniao Brasileiro-Israelita do Bem-Estar Social - UNIBES | +5511 3123 7356 | |
Bulgaria | Sofia | Organization of Jews in Bulgaria Shalom | 02/4006308 | |
Canada | Alberta | Edmonton | Jewish Family Services | 780.454.1194 |
Canada | British Columbia | Vancouver | Jewish Family Service Agency | 604.257.5151 |
Canada | British Columbia | Vancouver | Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre | (604) 264-0499 |
Canada | Ontario | Ottawa | Jewish Family Services of Ottawa | 613-722-2225 |
Canada | Ontario | Toronto | Circle of Care | (416) 635-2860 |
Canada | Ontario | Toronto | Jewish Family & Child Service | (416) 638-7800 |
Canada | Quebec | Montreal | Cummings Jewish Centre for Seniors | (514) 342-1234 |
Chile | Región Metropolitana | Santiago | Reshet | 56-9-270-6100 |
Croatia | Zagreb | Jewish Community Zagreb | 3851 4922 692 | |
Czech Republic | Prague | Federation of Jewish Communities in Czech Republic | 420 224-800-824 | |
Denmark | Copenhagen | The Jewish Community in Denmark | 45 33 13 8868 | |
Estonia | Harju maakond | Tallinn | Jewish Community of Estonia | 37 2-662-3034 |
France | Île-de-France | Paris | Association D'Aide Aux Israelites Ages Et Malades (ADIAM) Solidarite | +33 1-42-80-3473 |
France | Île-de-France | Paris | CASIP - COJASOR | +33 144-62-1313 |
France | Marseille | CASIM | +33 (49) 610-0670 | |
Georgia | Tbilisi | Non-commercial entity "The Jewish Distribution Committee "Joint" in Georgia" | 9.95322E+11 | |
Germany | Hessen | Frankfurt am Main | Zentralwohlfahrtsstelle der Juden in Deutschland e.V. | +49 069 94 43 71-11 / 15 |
Germany | Munich | Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Munchen und Oberbayern K.d.o.R. | +49 89 202 400 283/ 286 (Russian, German) or +49 89 202400 285 (English, Hebrew, German) | |
Greece | Athens | Central Board of Jewish Communities in Greece | +30 210 3244317 | |
Greece | Athens | Jewish Community of Athens | 30 210 220 7070 | |
Greece | Thessaloniki | Jewish Community of Thessaloniki | 30 231 027 5701 | |
Hungary | Budapest | Hungarian Jewish Social Support Foundation | +(361) 888-9400 | |
Israel | Jerusalem District | Jerusalem | Health Clinic Care Program - Ministry of Health | 972 (3)609 0866 |
Israel | Jerusalem | AMCHA | +972 (2) 625-0634 | |
Israel | Jerusalem | Amutat Misgav Lakashish | +972 2-625 2444 | |
Israel | Tel Aviv | Association of Jews from Central Europe | +972 (3) 516-4461 | |
Israel | Tel Aviv | Foundation for the Benefit of Holocaust Victims in Israel | 972 (3) 609 0866 | |
Israel | Tel Aviv | Tel Aviv Municipality – Center for the blind and visual impaired | +972 (3) 724 8042 | |
Israel | Latet Israeli humanitarian aid | +972 (3) 683 3388 | ||
Italy | Lazio | Roma | Union of Italian Jewish Communities | +39 06 455 42 208 |
Italy | Lazio | Rome | Jewish Social Service Agency of Rome | +39 065803657/065885656 |
Italy | Lombardia | Milan | Jewish Community of Milan | +39 02-4831101 |
Kazakhstan | Almaty | Representative Office of AJJDC in Kazakhstan | 77272668678 | |
Latvia | Riga | Latvian Council of Jewish Communities/Riga Jewish Community | +371 67289549 | |
Lithuania | Vilniaus apskritis | Vilnius | Lithuanian Jewish Community | +37052613003 |
Mexico | Cuauhtemoc, Mexico City | Memoria y Tolerancia | 5255 5130 5555 | |
Moldova | Kishinev | Private Organization "American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee" in Moldova | 37322496716 | |
Netherlands | Amsterdam | Stichting Joods Maatschappelijk Werk/Dutch Jewish Social Services | +31 88 1652230 | |
Poland | Mazowieckie | Warsaw | Central Jewish Welfare Commission | 0048 22 526 54 60 |
Romania | Municipiul București | Bucuresti | Federation of Jewish Communities of Romania (FEDROM) | +40123224067 |
Serbia | Belgrade | Federation of Jewish Communities in Serbia | +381112623234 | |
Sweden | Västra Götalands län | Gothenburg | Jewish Community of Gothenburg | 46-31-10 94 00 |
Switzerland | Zurich | Swiss Jewish Welfare Organization | +41 1-206-30-60 | |
Ukraine | Dnepro | Public Organization "Center "The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, Inc" in Dnipro City" | +380567178002 | |
Ukraine | Kharkov | Public Organization "Joint In North-Eastern Region of Ukraine" | +380577661852 | |
Ukraine | Kiev | International Public Organization "American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Inc" | "+380442773165 | |
Ukraine | Odessa | International Public Organization "United (Joint)" | "+380487374009 | |
United Kingdom | England | London | Association of Jewish Refugees in Great Britain | 44 020 8385-3070 |
United States | Arizona | Phoenix | Jewish Family & Children's Service | 602-452-4627 |
United States | Arizona | Tucson | Jewish Family & Children's Services of Southern Arizona | (520) 795-0300 |
United States | California | Berkeley | Jewish Family & Community Services East Bay | (510) 704-7475 |
United States | California | Long Beach | Jewish Family and Children's Service | 562-427-7916 |
United States | California | Los Angeles | Bet Tzedek Legal Services | 323-939-0506 |
United States | California | Los Angeles | Jewish Family Service of Los Angeles | (323) 761-8800 |
United States | California | Los Gatos | Jewish Family Services of Silicon Valley | (408) 556-0600 |
United States | California | San Diego | Jewish Family Service of San Diego | (858) 637-3000 |
United States | California | San Francisco | Jewish Family and Children's Services of San Francisco | (415) 449-1200 |
United States | Colorado | Denver | Jewish Family Service of Colorado | (303) 597-5000 |
United States | Connecticut | West Hartford | Jewish Family Services of Greater Hartford | (860) 236-1927 |
United States | Florida | Boca Raton | Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services, Inc. | (561) 852-3333 |
United States | Florida | Clearwater | Gulf Coast Jewish Family & Community Services, Inc. | (727) 479-1811 |
United States | Florida | Davie | Goodman Jewish Family Services, Inc. of Broward County | 9543702140 |
United States | Florida | Jacksonville | Jewish Family & Community Services, Inc. | 904-394-5752 |
United States | Florida | Miami | Jewish Community Services of South Florida, Inc. | (305) 899-1587 |
United States | Florida | West Palm Beach | Ferd & Gladys Alpert Jewish Family & Children's Service | (561) 684-1991 |
United States | Georgia | Atlanta | Jewish Family and Career Services | (770) 677-9300 |
United States | Illinois | Chicago | Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago CJE Senior Life | 773 508 1004 |
United States | Indiana | Indianapolis | Jewish Federation of Greater Indianapolis | 317-251-9467 |
United States | Maryland | Baltimore | Jewish Community Services | (410) 466-9200 |
United States | Maryland | Rockville | Jewish Social Service Agency | (301) 816-2633 |
United States | Massachusetts | Waltham | Jewish Family and Children's Service of Greater Boston | (781) 647-5327 |
United States | Michigan | West Bloomfield | Jewish Family Service of Metropolitan Detroit | (248) 592-2300 |
United States | Minnesota | Golden Valley | Jewish Family and Children's Service of Minneapolis | (952) 546-0616 |
United States | Nevada | Las Vegas | Jewish Family Service Agency of Las Vegas | (702) 732-0304 |
United States | New Jersey | Asbury Park | Jewish Family & Children's Service of Monmouth County | 732-774-6886 |
United States | New Jersey | Cherry Hill | Samost Jewish Family and Children's Service of Southern New Jersey | 856-424-1333 |
United States | New Jersey | Elizabeth | Jewish Family Service of Central New Jersey | 908-352-8375 |
United States | New Jersey | Florham Park | Jewish Family Services of Metrowest New Jersey | 973-765-9050 |
United States | New Jersey | Lakewood | Jewish Family & Children's Service of Ocean County | 732-363-8010 |
United States | New Jersey | Margate City | Jewish Family Service of Atlantic County, Inc. | 609-822-1108 |
United States | New Jersey | Milltown | Jewish Family & Vocational Service of Middlesex County | 732-777-1940 |
United States | New Jersey | Passaic | Jewish Family Service & Children's Center of Clifton/Passaic | 973-777-7638 |
United States | New Jersey | Princeton | Jewish Family & Children's Service of Greater Mercer County | 609-987-8100 |
United States | New Jersey | Somerville | Jewish Family Service of Somerset, Hunterdon and Warren Counties | 908-725-7799 |
United States | New Jersey | Teaneck | Jewish Family & Children’s Services of Northern New Jersey, Inc. | 201-837-9090 |
United States | New York | Brooklyn | Brooklyn Legal Services | 718-274-5000 |
United States | New York | Brooklyn | Edith and Carl Marks Jewish Community House of Bensonhurst | 718-331-6800 |
United States | New York | Brooklyn | Guardians of the Sick / Bikur Cholim Hesed Organization | (718) 438-2020 |
United States | New York | Brooklyn | Jewish Community Council of Canarsie | 718-495-6210 |
United States | New York | Brooklyn | Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island | (718) 449-5000 |
United States | New York | Brooklyn | Nachas Health & Family Network, Inc. | (718) 436-7373 |
United States | New York | Brooklyn | Pesach Tikvah/Door of Hope | (718) 875-6900 |
United States | New York | Brooklyn | United Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg, Inc. | 7186439700 |
United States | New York | Cedarhurst | The Marion & Aaron Gural JCC | (516) 569-6733 |
United States | New York | Far Rockaway | Jewish Community Council of the Rockaway Peninsula (JCCRP) | 718-327-7755 |
United States | New York | Monsey | Bikur Cholim of Rockland County | (845) 425-7877 |
United States | New York | New York | Blue Card Inc. | (212) 239-2251 |
United States | New York | New York | Jewish Community Council of Washington Heights-Inwood | 2125685450 |
United States | New York | New York | Metropolitan Jewish Health System Hospice and Palliative Care | (212) 649-5555 |
United States | New York | New York | New York Legal Assistance Group | (212) 613-5000 |
United States | New York | New York | Selfhelp Community Services Inc. | 212.971.7600 |
United States | New York | Spring Valley | Community Improvement Council Inc. | (845) 354-4100 |
United States | New York | West Nyack | Rockland Jewish Family Service | (845) 354-2121 |
United States | New York | White Plains | Westchester Jewish Community Services | (914) 761-0600 |
United States | Ohio | Cincinnati | Jewish Family Service of the Cincinnati Area | (513) 469-1188 |
United States | Ohio | Columbus | Jewish Family Services | (614) 231-1890 |
United States | Ohio | Pepper Pike | Jewish Family Service Association of Cleveland | (216) 292-3999 |
United States | Oregon | Portland | Jewish Family and Child Service | (503) 226-7079 |
United States | Pennsylvania | Philadelphia | Jewish Family and Children's Service of Greater Philadelphia | 1-866-532-7669 |
United States | Pennsylvania | Pittsburgh | Jewish Family and Community Services | (412) 422-7200 |
United States | Texas | Dallas | Jewish Family Service of Greater Dallas | 972-437-9950 |
United States | Texas | Houston | Jewish Family Service of Houston | (713) 667-9336 |
United States | Virginia | Virginia Beach | Jewish Family Service of Tidewater, Inc. | (757) 459-4640 |
United States | Washington | Seattle | Jewish Family Service | (206) 461-3240 |
United States | Wisconsin | Milwaukee | Jewish Family Services | (414)390-5800 |
Uruguay | Montevideo | Fundacion Tzedaka del Uruguay | +(5982) 900 2985 | |
Uzbekistan | Tashkent | Representative Office of AJJDC in Uzbekistan | +998781400616 |