English Language Application Form
German Language Application Form
Russian Language Application Form
English Language Application Form for Transitional Benefits to Surviving Spouses of Nazi Victims
Application form for a one-off pension replacement supplement in accordance with Section 2 Paragraph 2 of the Federal Government’s Guideline on Recognition Benefits to Persecuted Persons for Work in a Ghetto That Was Not Forced Labor (Recognition Guideline) of July 12, 2017
English Language Application Form
German Language Application Form
Russian Language Application Form
Bundesamt für zentrale Dienste und offene Vermögensfragen
DGZ-Ring 12
13086 Berlin
Telephone: +49 30 187030-1324
E-mail: poststelle.afg@badv.bund.de
Website: www.badv.bund.de
English language website: https://www.badv.bund.de/EN/Home/start.html
Information on Financial Compensation for Voluntary Labor in a Ghetto (English language)
Revised Ghetto Work Recognition Guidelines (German language)
The Claims Conference is not involved in the administration, implementation or processing of applications for the Ghetto Pension or the Ghetto Fund. The information presented herein is intended for information purposes only and solely as a general guide. The information is not intended as legal advice. It is a summary of specific issues and does not represent a definitive or complete statement of the programs and policies of the agencies or governments mentioned. The information may not address the special needs, interests and circumstances of individual recipients. Individual situations differ and recipients are urged to seek individual advice. Individuals seeking specific information on a program are urged to contact the relevant program or to consult their social service agency or help center representative. While the Claims Conference provides information on a general basis to various help and assistance centers, each help and assistance center is solely responsible for the advice provided by it. To the best of our knowledge the information is correct as of the date of this document and this information may change subsequent to the said date – February 6, 2024