Resulting from the Claims Conference negotiations, the Federal Government of Austria has agreed to pay every living Austrian Holocaust survivor an additional direct compensation payment of approximately €5,000 (approx. $3,300 USD) per survivor. As we estimate there to be about 2,500 Austrian Holocaust survivors alive today, the total financial commitment is €12.5 million (over $13 million USD) for these direct payments to Austrian Jewish Holocaust survivors around the world. Those survivors from among the estimated 2,500 who are in special need will be able to receive a second payment of approx. €5,000 in 2023. In 2024 and every year thereafter, additional payments will be available for those who are determined to be in special need. These payments will be administered by the National Fund of the Republic of Austria for Victims of National Socialism. Additional information about how to apply.
By the end of World War II, the Nazis had murdered 65,000 Jews in Austria, more than one third of the Jewish population of approximately 185,000 that lived in the country in March 1938. The remainder fled, leaving their homes and all belongings behind. Today, most Jewish survivors of Austrian origin live in the United States and Israel, and smaller populations primarily in Great Britain, Australia, Canada, South America and several Western European countries.
In addition to these direct payments, the Claims Conference negotiated an increase in funding for welfare programs for Austrian Holocaust survivors. In 2003, the Claims Conference initiated the Austrian Holocaust Survivors Emergency Assistance Program (AHSEAP) to provide financial assistance to Austrian Holocaust survivors. Negotiated funds are allocated to social welfare agencies and made available to eligible Austrian survivors through emergency grants for medical needs, eviction prevention and other urgent and unexpected issues. As a result of these recent negotiations with the Austrian government, the AHSEAP has doubled to €3 million (approx. $3.2 million USD) for 2024.
The Austrian government also announced that it will continue in a working group with the Claims Conference to develop and fund projects of Holocaust education, both on a national level in Austria and international projects as well.
After ongoing negotiations, we are pleased to have achieved this milestone with the Austrian government. Austrian Holocaust survivors living globally deserve this recognition. While the Claims Conference has been supporting Austrian Jewish survivors with critically needed assistance for home care, socialization, medical equipment, holiday food packages and other social welfare services, these additional payments from the Austrian government, while symbolic, will go a long way for some of the more vulnerable in that waning population. We are grateful to the Claims Conference Negotiating Delegation headed by Ambassador Stuart Eizenstat along with Holocaust survivor leaders Ambassador Colette Avital and Marion Turski as well as Rabbi Andrew Baker. Deep appreciate to our staff including Executive Vice President Greg Schneider as well as Karen Heilig, Rüdiger Mahlo and Markus Feuerstein. The Claims Conference is committed to ensuring survivors live in the dignity that was taken from them in their youth.