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August 11, 2009
The present liberalization comes as a result of longstanding efforts by the Claims Conference staff in Austria, the Anlaufstelle of the Austrian Jewish Community in Vienna, and the Association of Austrian Pensioners in Israel.
The Austrian retirement or old age pension insurance allows the preferential purchase, at favorable rates usually less than Euro 30 a month, of pension-months for those who were persecuted between March 4, 1933 and May 9, 1945. Since agreements reached with the Claims Conference in 2001, Austrian law enablessurvivors born in Austria by March 12, 1938 to pay into such pension insurance, in addition to being able to receive certain social welfare benefits.
Individuals, who had not contributed to the Austrian social security system at the time of their emigration from Austria, must both have been born between March 12, 1938 and May 8, 1945 and at least mother or father must have lived (permanent residence) in Austria on March 12, 1938 to be eligible for the retroactive purchase of pension credits.”-
The Austrian social security authorities are proactively contacting eligible Holocaust survivors from Austria who are potentially eligible to file for the retirement pension payments.
Please see the Compensation Guide and Austria-Claims for access to the relevant contact offices and information on Austrian social welfare services for survivors.
The Claims Conference’s Austrian Holocaust Survivor Emergency Assistance Program (AHSEAP makes annual allocations for the benefit of Jewish Nazi victims residing outside of Austria who are in need.
View background information about Austrian allocations and view the list of AHSEAP grants.
The information presented herein is intended for information purposes only and solely as a general guide.The information is not intended as legal advice. It is a summary of specific issues and does not represent a definitive or complete statement of the programs and policies of the agencies or governments mentioned. The information may not address the special needs, interests and circumstances of individual recipients. Individual situations differ and recipients are urged to seek individual advice.Individuals seeking specific information on a program are urged to contact the relevant program or to consult their social service agency or help center representative. To the best of our knowledge the information is correct as of the date of this document and this information may change subsequent to the said date: January 2010