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November 5, 2008
The Claims Conference will continue negotiating with the German government for a review of rejected applications to the Hardship Fund from Jewish victims of Nazism whose circumstances have changed and who may now be eligible for payment.
At its meeting on October 30, 2008 in Haifa, Israel, the Claims Conference Executive Committee noted the plight of thousands of needy elderly Nazi victims worldwide and resolved to press Germany to re-consider applications to the Hardship Fund from Nazi victims whose circumstances at the time of application did not meet the program’s criteria but who, if they were applying for the first time today, might now be eligible.
“The Executive Committee of the Conference on Jewish Material Claims reiterates the calls it has made to the Federal Republic of Germany for over a decade, to immediately and unconditionally abolish the rule that denies applicants to the Hardship Fund the opportunity to file for a review of the application to the Hardship Fund, based upon changed circumstances,” stated the resolution of the Executive Committee.
The German government currently does not permit a second application to the Hardship Fund, which issues a one-time payment of €2,556 to Nazi victims who are eligible under German government guidelines. The guidelines for the Hardship Fund originate from 1980, when it was established.