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July 17, 2008
At its annual meeting July 8-9 2008, the Board of Directors of the Claims Conference approved the nomination of a new member organization to the Board, the World Federation of Jewish Child Survivors of the Holocaust.
“We warmly welcome the World Federation and look forward to its contributions to the work of the Claims Conference in the future. As many of the survivors still with us were children during the Shoah, the organization’s voice will be a valuable one on the Claims Conference Board,” said Chairman Julius Berman.
The World Federation has 54 chapters in 19 countries, representing the interests of Jewish Holocaust survivors who were persecuted as children during the Nazi era. Members survived the Shoah in ghettos, in camps, in hiding, or by fleeing. The organization’s members perpetuate the memory of Holocaust victims and the legacy of the survivors by telling their stories, engaging in Shoah education, and holding conferences.